Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Behind the Scenes

I recently has the pleasure of doing an alt fashion photoshoot for local latex clothing designer Penny, owner of Lust Designs. She has a gorgeous ready-wear line of latex clothing and also does fantastic custom work. No sneakpeeks of the actual shoot, for that, you will have to wait for the next issue of Von Gutenberg Magazine, an alt fashion magazine. This shoot was a TON of fun! How often do you get to shoot awesome fashion in the stunning trees of Mt Tam and kill your model? Thats right! I got to play with FX for this themed photoshoot. I created a custom chest wound. Something her 'heart' could be pulled out of. Heres some behind the scenes shots of the fun!

First I needed a heart. I called a few butchers to see if any had an intact, whole cow heart I could purchase. Despite the fact that SEVERAL said yes, I showed up to each of them only to find them sliced, cubed, out of stock, or disappointing in one way or another. Finally, I found one that was just flayed open. One single cut. I gave in and bought that one and spent the night before the shoot sewing it back together. (See, I'm so good I can mend a broken heart!)  Those things are big!! That's a standard dinner plate.  It was awesome being able to do FX on something that would be published. I'd played around with it before, and done bruises and tattoos and things like THAT on shoots, but this was my first published prosthetic appliance. So stoked!

On to the shoot!

Here's a few shots of me getting everyone ready! I can't wait to share when the actual spread comes out.
Fixing the hair around a very cool custom crown made for the shoot

Looks so surgical! Covering the clothing so
I can apply the prosthetic.

Done attaching, now on to blending and the blood!

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